This site is a summary of some of my work. If you are interested in anything you see here or having a piece commissioned, please email me at: benjaminpaintings[at]gmail[dot]com.

Monday, December 5, 2011

Rincon - The Queen of the Coast

Rincon, my most favorite surf spot in California. Having grown up in Hawai'i, I was always amazed at this wave because we really didn't have anything like it on O'ahu. I remember seeing Tom Curren stylishly destroy these waves and it made me want to surf there so bad. When I finally had a chance to surf there, it was everything I expected it to be. It was like a dream.

This painting looks to capture a mellow Fall afternoon with the sun starting to pierce through the trees as it approaches the golden hour. I chose to paint it in black and white to provide a unique perspective. Acrylic on canvas. Sold.

- Benjamin